Friday, June 12, 2009

Excited to announce...



I've decided I want to share my love for photography with you, and you 
and you...

You aren't going to want to miss these classes.

I am limiting the Mastering Manual to the first 

10 Lucky People.

(so I can actually help  you on an individual basis)

Register for both classes and

Save $50

Registration deadline is July 1st.

(I know it's coming up soon so save your money now)

send me an email or leave a comment if you are interested.

(i'm going to try to get fancy and get paypal to work so stay tuned for that.)


Candace said...
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Candace said...

Count me in!

Amy Hamberlin said...

I am so excited. My pics stink! But you are going to change that, right!!!!! Your pictures are awesome. Thanks for motivating me!


It's a Wonderful Life said...

I am also so excited! I am going to see what I can arrange so I can come! Also I wanted to know how much you would charge to just take a couple shots of me and my baby girl with that yellow chair outside at the sugar mill. We don't have a lot of money so just a few shots would be fine! My email is, and my name is Angie

Kim said...

Hey Angie,

Angie Lybbert told me about this class that you are offering. I don't have an SLR camera...I'm hoping that it will be a christmas present. But my sister (she lives with me so you may have met her) does & she was talking about taking a photography class. She does hair & does a lot of trade if you are interested. Her hair blog is

So in the future maybe I can take the class too:):):)

Kimri Murphy